CBSE Class 8 English Dairy Entry Writing

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CBSE Class 8 English Dairy Entry Writing

Diary entry is an informal and personal form of writing. A diary’ entry can be based on a personal experience, daily happenings or any important event of personal or public life. Most of the great men keep diaries in which they record their daily happenings and other important activities. In other words, diaries give a glimpse of the past incidents of a person’s life. In fact, we come to know about the lives of great people through the information recorded in their diaries. Anne Frank is one such personality.
Anne Frank was born to Jewish parents in 1929 in Frankfurt. In 1933, her family fled from the terror of the National Socialists to Amsterdam. After the German troops invaded the Netherlands, Anne Frank and her family hid in the rear annex to a house in Amsterdam. There Anne Frank wrote her world-famous diary. Anne Frank died in 1945 at the age of 15. Fler diary was published after her death.

Guidelines for Writing a Diary

  • A diary is generally written at night. This way the day’s happenings can be recorded.
  • The language and tone is generally informal and personal.
  • Personal pronouns can be used.
  • A diary entry can include your personal secrets, joys, sorrows and fears. You should not allow anybody to read your diary as it is a record of your personal feelings and emotions.

Solved Questions

Question 1:
You are a resident of Kashmir’s famous Lai Bagh area. Recently your state suffered a lot due to heavy rainfall. As a result your area was flooded. You had to abandon your home and live in a relief camp. Many people were injured. Make a diary entry. Recording your experiences in the relief camp.

Thursday, 21st September, 20XX                                   10:00 pm

Dear diary,
Today is my fifth day at the relief camp. Life here is very tough. We had to leave our home as water reached the first floor. Thank God! We are safe but life is far from normal. The army jawans are doing their best to provide assistance, but it is not enough. There is shortage of food, clean drinking water, medicines and warm clothes. While living within the comfort of my house I had never realised that life could be such a pain. My sister has fever since the past 2 days. She has received no medical attention uptil now.
I pray to God that this phase gets over soon and we are able to return back home. I don’t want to live in this hell anymore.


Question 2:
Yesterday it was your first day in your new school. You made new friends. Teachers were good to you and you liked the infrastructure of the school. Write about your experiences and feelings about the new school in your diary.

Wednesday, 1st July, 20XX                                              8:30 pm

Dear diary,
Today, I joined my new school. It was a very nice and exciting. My class teacher was very nice to me. She introduced me to the entire class. I sat with Neha, the monitor of the class. She helped me in every way possible. She gave me her notebooks, shared her lunch with me. She even helped me with my classwork.
The best thing I liked about the school was the library. It was big and spacious. I am a passionate reader and I found many books of my favourite authors. The computer lab was well equipped with the latest models of computers.
I look forward to going to school tomorrow. Now, I am not missing my old friends and my old school. Now, I am going to sleep as I have to get up early in the morning to get ready for school.


Question 3:
Recently you visited the old age home in Delhi. You met old people who were lonely and sick. Their children had left them to fend for themselves. When you talked to them, you felt bad about the fact that they were not living with their children. Write about your experiences in your diary.

Friday, 30th November, 20XX                                          7:30 pm

Dear diary,
Today, I visited an old age home. I was surprised to see the condition of the old people there. Even though the medical facilities and food were good, it was disheartening to see that most of them were under depression. Their children had abandoned them. Some had forcefully kicked them out of the house. So now, they have nowhere to go.
When I talked to them, my heart was filled with sympathy for them. What could I do to make them happy? I told them some jokes and riddles, but they seemed to be unmoved by the humour. I spent some time with them and promised myself one thing. I will look after my parents when I grow up. I will never leave them like this.
I wondered why people misbehave with their parents like this. Parents should be respected and loved because parents are the best people in this world.


Question 4:
You witnessed a quarrel among some children of your colony. Make a diary entry giving an account of the quarrel giving some suggestions to avoid such quarrels in future.

Monday, 12th March, 20XX                                             8:00 pm

Dear diary,
Today, when I was coming back from school, I saw some children at the corner of the street quarrelling among themselves. I could hear them shouting at each other. When I went nearer, I could recognise two of them. They were Nikhil and Suraj. I could sense the danger prevailing there as some older boys had hockey sticks in their hands.
At once I ran towards Nikhil’s house and informed his mother about the quarrel. She rushed towards the spot along with some neighbours. As soon as the children saw elders approaching, they ran away.
Nikhil was relieved to see his mother as some older boys from the neighbouring colony were bullying them and asking them to part with their money and other valuables. I advised Nikhil not to talk to people whom he didn’t know. I told him to play near his house and not too far away. Nikhil’s mother thanked me for my prompt action.
You know diary, today I am feeling at the top of the world as I have done a good deed. Now, I am going to sleep as I am very tired.


Question 5:
It was the happiest day of your life when your class teacher informed you that you have been selected as the ‘Best sportsman of the year’. You are thrilled as now you will receive the award at the Annual Day Celebrations. Make a diary entry recording your feelings in it.

Thursday, 10th November, 20XX                                      9.00 pm

Dear diary,
Today was the best day of my life. Guess why ? Sumati mam told me that I have been selected as the ‘Best sportsman of the year’. I am so happy that all the hard work that I had done, paid back today. I can never forget how much I had toiled in the field, during the summer camp to get into the school football team. My coach had appreciated my efforts. My parents will be so proud of me when I will receive the trophy for the ‘Best Sportsman’ from the Chief Guest. All the parents and teachers will clap for me. I will be a hero at that moment.
I have also been selected to represent the team for the School Nationals to be held next month.
God, please give me strength and endurance to live up to the expectations of my coach and my parents.
