Timeline and Sources of History Class 6 Question Answer Social Science Chapter 4

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Timeline and Sources of History Class 6 Question Answer Social Science Chapter 4

NCERT Class 6 Social Science SST Chapter 4 Timeline and Sources of History Questions and Answers Solutions

Timeline and Sources of History Class 6 Questions and Answers (In-Text)

The Big Questions (Page 59)


Question 1.
How do we measure historical time?
To measure historical time, we use several tools and methods thát help us understand and organize events from the past. Some of them are as follows:

  1. Gregorian calendar being the most commonly used today. It counts years starting from the birth of Jesus Christ, now labelled as CE (Common Era), and years before his birth as BCE (Before Common Era).
  2. Other cultures have their own calendars, like the Islamic and Chinese calendars.
  3. We also use timelines, which visually arrange events in the order they happened, helping us see the sequence and relationship between events.
  4. Historical time can be divided into decades ( 10 years), centuries (100 years), and millennia (1000 years).
  5. We often refer to BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era) to label different periods.
  6. Additionally, artefacts and fossils are dated using scientific methods like carbon dating, while written records, oral traditions, and archaeological discoveries provide valuable information about the past.


Question 2.
How can various sources help us understand history?
The various sources helpful in understanding history are as follows:

  1. Written Records: Letters, diaries, official records, and books tell us about events, thoughts, and daily life from the past.
  2. Oral Traditions: Stories, legends, and folk tales passed down through generations give us cultural and historical information.
  3. Artefacts: Tools, weapons, pottery, and jewelry show us the technology, art, and trade practices of ancient societies.
  4. Fossils and Biological Remains: Bones, teeth, and plant remains help us learn about the physical characteristics, health, diet, and environment of early humans and animals.
  5. Archaeological Sites: Ruins of buildings and burial sites reveal information about architecture, urban planning, lifestyle, and social structures.
  6. Maps and Geographic Information: Ancient maps and geographic studies show how people understood and navigated their world and help us locate ancient sites.
  7. Visual Arts: Paintings, sculptures, murals, and frescoes reflect artistic expressions, religious beliefs, and significant events of the time.
  8. Scientific Methods: Carbon dating and DNA analysis determine the age of artefacts and fossils and trace genetic links and migration patterns of ancient populations.

Question 3.
How did early humans live?
Early humans live by:


  1. Hunting and Gathering: Early humans hunted animals and gathered fruits, nuts, and plants for food.
  2. Nomadic Lifestyle: They moved from place to place in search of food and water, not staying in one place for long.
  3. Simple Tools: Early humans used simple tools made from stone, bone, and wood to hunt and gather food.
  4. Shelters: They lived in natural shelters like caves and made temporary huts from branches and leaves.
  5. Fire: Early humans discovered how to make fire, which they used for cooking food, warmth, and protection from wild animals.
  6. Clothing: They made clothing from animal skins to protect themselves from the weather.
  7. Communication: Early humans developed simple forms of communication using sounds, gestures, and later, drawings on cave walls.
  8. Social Groups: They lived in small groups or tribes, working together to hunt, gather food, and protect each other.
  9. Art and Culture: Early humans created cave paintings and carvings, showing the beginnings of art and cultural expression.

Let’s Explore 

Question 1.
Such calculations are simple, but there is a catch. In the Gregorian calendar, there is no ‘year zero’. The year 1 CE follows immediately the year 1 BCE . Draw a simple timeline marking every year from 2 BCE to 2 CE ; you will see that because of the absence of a year zero, only 3 years have passed between those two dates. (Page no. 63)

Question 2.
So to calculate the number of years between a BCE date and a CE date, you should add them but
subtract 1 – in the above case, 2 + 2 – 1 = 3.
Practice a few examples with your classmates. For example, to return to the question about the Buddha, suppose we are now in the year 2024 CE , then the Buddha was born 560 + 2024 – 1 = 2,583 years ago. (Page no. 63)
Some examples are as follows:
(i) From 100 BCE to 2024 CE :
100 + 2024 – 1 = 2123 years

(ii) From 500 BCE to 1000 CE :
500 + 1000 – 1 = 1499 years


(iii) From 250 BCE to 750 CE :
250 + 750 – 1 = 999 years

(iv) From 50 BCE to 2024 CE :
50 + 2024 – 1 = 2073 years


(v) From 300 BCE to 300 CE :
300 + 300 – 1 = 599 years


Question 3.
Create a timeline stretching from 1900 CE to the current year and place the dates of birth of your grandparents, parents, siblings and yourself. Also, mark the years that the 20th century CE begins with and ends with. (Page no. 65)

Key Points on the Timeline

  • 1900 CE: Start of the 20th century.
  • 1950 CE: Birth of your grandparent.
  • 1975 CE: Birth of your parent.
  • 2000 CE: End of the 20th century.
  • 2005 CE: Birth of your sibling.
  • 2010 CE: Birth of yourself.
  • 2024 CE: Current year

Question 4.
Can you collect information about at least three generations of your family on your mother’s and father’s sides? Create a family tree with your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. Find out their names, what they did for a living and where they were born. Also, write the sources from where you got this information. (Page no. 66)
Do it yourself.

Question 5.
There are a few images of different sources of history on the next page. Who and what do you think the objects show? Write down in the boxes next to the images any information that you get from these objects. (Page no. 68)

Do it yourself.

Question 6.
There are a few images of different sources of history on the next page. Who and what do you think the objects show? Write down in the boxes next to the images any information that you get from these objects. (Pages 68 & 69)

(a) The Samudragupta veena coin showcases a rich cultural and artistic symbolism from the Gupta Empire. It prominently features the emperor, Samudragupta, playing a veena, a traditional Indian musical instrument.

This depiction highlights his patronage of the arts and his personal involvement in music, reflecting the Gupta Empire’s appreciation for cultural achievements. The coin not only represents the emperor’s sophistication but also symbolizes the prosperity and cultural richness of his reign, marking a golden age in Indian history.

(b) A 12th-century hero stone depicting a naval battle is a significant historical artifact that offers valuable insights into the martial and maritime traditions of the time. Hero stones, or “virakals” in Kannada, are commemorative monuments often erected to honor warriors who died in battle.

(c) The Lion Capital of Ashoka is one of the most famous and iconic artifacts from ancient India. It was originally erected atop a column by Emperor Ashoka the Great at Sarnath, near Varanasi. This capital is now housed in the Sarnath Museum.


Question 7.
In the below picture, look at some activities of early humans in a rock shelter. Which ones can you recognise? Give a brief description for each. (Page, 70)

Some activities of early humans in a rock shelter are:
(i) Many rock shelters feature ancient cave paintings or carvings. These artworks often depict animals, hunting scenes, and abstract symbols, reflecting early humans’ cultural and spiritual beliefs.
(ii) Early humans used fire for cooking food, which made it easier to digest and safer to eat.
(iii) Early humans made tools from stone, bone, and wood for hunting, gathering, and daily tasks. Rock shelters provided a convenient location for crafting and repairing tools.

Question 8.
Observe the scene on the below picture. It depicts an agricultural community from a few millenniums ago. List the main activities you can identify. (Pages 70 & 71)

The main activities as observed in the picture are domestication of animals, cooking, making tools, and grain harvesting.

Timeline and Sources of History Question Answer (Exercise)

Question 1.
Can we compare historians to detectives? Give reasons for your answers.
Yes, historians can be compared to detectives. Due to the following reasons:
(i) Investigate Evidence: Just like detectives look for clues at a crime scene, historians examine old documents, artifacts, and other evidence to uncover the past.
(ii) Ask Questions: Detectives ask questions to solve mysteries. Historians also ask questions to understand why and how events happened in history.
(iii) Piece Together Information: Detectives gather bits of information to solve a case. Historians put together different pieces of evidence to build a complete picture of historical events.
(iv) Solve Mysteries: Detectives solve crimes by figuring out what happened. Historians solve historical mysteries by finding out what life was like in the past and how events shaped the world.
(v) Use Clues Wisely: Detectives use clues to make sense of a case. Historians use historical clues to draw conclusions about past societies and cultures.


Question 2.
A few exercises with dates:
(a) Place these dates chronologically on the timeline: 323 CE, 323 BCE, 100 CE, 100 BCE, 1900 BCE, 1090 CE, 2024 CE.

(b) If King Chandragupta was born in 320 CE, which century did he belong to? And how many years was that after the Buddha’s birth?
King Chandragupta, born in 320 CE , belonged to the 4 th century CE. To determine how many years after the Buddha’s birth this was, we first need to account for the time between Buddha’s birth in 560 BCE and the start of the Common Era. This period spans 560 years. Next, we calculate the years from 1 CE to 320 CE , which is 319 years. Adding these two periods together gives a total of 879 years. Therefore, King Chandragupta was born 879 years after the Buddha’s birth.

(c) Rani of Jhansi was born in 1828. Which century did she belong to? How many years was that before India’s Independence?
Rani of Jhansi, born in 1828, belonged to the 19th century. To determine how many years before India’s Independence she was born, we need to subtract her birth year from the year of Independence. India gained Independence in 1947. Calculating the difference, we find that 1947 minus 1828 equals 119 years. Therefore, Rani of Jhansi was born 119 years before India gained its Independence.

Activities :

Plan a visit to a nearby museum: the visit should be prepared with some prior research on the kind of exhibits the museum holds. Keep notes during the visit. Write a brief report afterwards, highlighting what was unexpected/interesting/fun about the visit and the exhibits.

Invite to your school an archaeologist or a historian and ask them to speak on the history of your region and why it’s important to know it.

Project :

As a project, write the history of your family (or village if you live in one), using sources of history at your disposal. Ask your teacher to guide you.