The Shepherds Treasure NCERT Solutions for Class 6 A Pact with the Sun Chapter 3
The Shepherds Treasure NCERT Text Book Questions and Answers
Question 1.
The siepherd had WI been to school because
(i) he was very poor
(ii) there were very few schools in those days.
(iii) he wasn’t interested in studies.
Choose the right answer.
(ii) there were very few schools in those days.
Question 2.
Who visited the shepherd one day and why?
The king of Iran visited the shepherd one day because he became very famous for his wisdom and friendly nature. The king wanted to meet him. He wanted to judge the shepherd.
Question 3.
Why did the other governors grow jealous of the shepherd?
The shepherd was appointed as the governor of a small district. People loved and honoured him for his wisdom. His fame and wise governance spread throughout the country which made other governors grew jealous of him.
Question 4.
Why was the new governor called to the palace?
The jealous governors made complaint against the shepherd to the king. They told the king that the new governor was dishonest and kept some money for himself in his iron box. The king called the new governor to the palace to check his iron box.
Question 5.
Why was everyone delighted to see the iron chest on the camel’s back?
Everyone thought that the iron box contained some valuables so they were delighted to see it. If the report about his dishonesty proved to be true, the king would have dismissed the shepherd. Everyone was anxious to see the contents of the box.
Question 6.
(i) What did the iron chest contain?
The iron chest contained only an old blanket.
(ii) Why did the shepherd always carry it?
The shepherd always carried his blanket in the box because it was his oldest friend. It would protect him if the king took away his post and power.
(iii) Is it an example of the shepherd’s humility or wisdom or both?
Yes, it is an example of the shepherd’s humility as well as his wisdom.
Question 7.
How did the king reward the new governor?
The king was pleased with the new governor’s humility and wisdom. He rewarded him by making him the governor of a much bigger district.
The Shepherds Treasure Extra Questions and Answers
The Shepherds Treasure Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type
Question 1.
Why did the king appoint the shepherd as the new governor of a district?
The king appointed the shepherd as the governor because of his wisdom. He wanted people like the shepherd to work for him.
Question 2.
How did the shepherd become famous in the country?
People used to take advice from him. He became famous for his wisdom, goodness, sympathy and friendly nature.
Question 3.
Why did the king become angry?
The king became angry after hearing the endless stories about the shepherd’s dishonesty and his iron box.
Question 4.
What did the shepherd mention about his blanket?
The shepherd mentioned that his blanket was his oldest friend and it will protect him any time from cold.
Question 5.
What was the condition of the new governor before meeting the king?
The new governor was a poor shepherd before meeting the king. He did not have even a small cottage and lived in a cave.
The Shepherds Treasure Extra Questions Short Answer Type
Question 1.
How did the shepherd impress the king in his cave?
The shepherd welcomed the king who was dressed as an ordinary shepherd. He took the traveller inside the cave, offered him water and food. The king rested for the night in the cave and was impressed by his hospitality.
Question 2.
What did the other governors tell the king about the new governor?
The other governors told the king that the new governor was dishonest and kept for himself some money which he collected as tax from the people. They said that his iron box contained the treasure that he had secretly collected.
The Shepherds Treasure Extra Questions Long Answer Type
Question 1.
Why did the king reward the shepherd twice in the story?
The king rewarded the shepherd twice. Firstly, he was impressed by the shepherd’s goodness and wisdom when he visited his cave and made him the governor of a small district. Secondly, the king doubted the shepherd’s honesty after hearing false stories about him. He asked the shepherd the reason behind carrying an iron box and an old blanket. The shepherd said that the box contained the blanket which was his oldest friend. The blanket will protect him any time. The king was pleased to hear the shepherd’s reply and made him the governor of a much bigger district.
The Shepherds Treasure Extra Questions Value Based Type
Question 1.
Do you think honesty and wisdom are great virtues and rewarded at the end? Give reasons to support your answer.
Yes, honesty and wisdom are great virtues and rewarded sooner or later. The shepherd was an honest and wise man. He shared his food with an unknown traveller and allowed him to sleep in his cave. He was made the governor of small district. He rose to power, but remained as humble as ever. He was kind and treated everyone equally. The other governors made conspiracy against him to defame him. They said he was dishonest and corrupt. But he remained humble to everyone and told them the truth. The king was pleased with the shepherd’s wisdom and made him the governor of a much bigger district. So, he was rewarded for his virtues.