The Friendly Mongoose NCERT Solutions for Class 6 A Pact with the Sun Chapter 2
The Friendly Mongoose NCERT Text Book Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Why did the farmer bring a baby mongoose into the house?
The farmer had a baby so he wanted to have a pet for his son. The pet would have been his son’s companion. He brought the mongoose to play with his son.
Question 2.
why didn’t the farmer’s wife want to leave the baby alone with the mongoose?
The farmer’s wife did not want to leave the baby alone with the mongoose because she was afraid of the mongoose that it will kill the baby in her absence.
Question 3.
What was the farmer’s comment on his wife’s fears?
The farmer understood his wife’s fear. He told that the mongoose is a friendly animal and it is as sweet as their baby. The farmer said that the mongoose and their baby were best friends.
Question 4.
Why did the farmer’s wife strike the mongoose with her basket?
The farmer’s wife noticed blood on the face and paws of the mongoose. She thought that the mongoose has killed her baby so out of rage she hit the mongoose with her basket. The animal died on the spot.
Question 5.
Did she repent her hasty action? How does she show her repentance?
Yes, she realised her mistake that she killed the mongoose out of anger. She saw the dead snake lying on the floor. She ran out looking for the mongoose. She cried and touched the mongoose. She kept looking at the dead animal and felt sorryshe realised her mistake that she killed the mongoose out of anger. She saw the dead snake lying on the floor. She ran out looking for the mongoose. She cried and touched the mongoose. She kept looking at the dead animal and felt sorry
The Friendly Mongoose Extra Questions and Answers
The Friendly Mongoose Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type
Question 1.
Where did the farmer’s wife want to go?
The farmer’s wife wanted to go to the market to buy groceries. She took her basket and informed her husband.
Question 2.
Why did the farmer move out of the house?
The farmer had nothing to do in the house and decided to take a look at his fields. He met his friend’s on the way back.
Question 3.
What did the farmer’s wife notice after returning home?
The farmer’s wife noticed that the face and paws of the mongoose were covered with blood.
Question 4.
What was customary for the mongoose?
It was customary for the mongoose to run and welcome the farmer’s wife when she returns home.
Question 5.
How did the child and mongoose grow?
In five or six months the mongoose had grown to its full size while the child was a baby in the cradle.
Question 6.
What is the moral of the story?
The moral of the story is Think twice before you act.’
The Friendly Mongoose Extra Questions Short Answer Type
Question 1.
What did the farmer’s wife realise after killing the mongoose?
The farmer’s wife realised her mistake after killing the mongoose. She thought that the mongoose has killed her baby. In fact, the mongoose has saved her baby from a snake.
Question 2.
Describe the appearance of the mongoose.
The mongoose was a tiny and lovely animal with two shining black eyes and a bushy tail. The mongoose had grown to its full size in just five or six months. It was a friendly animal and was as sweet as the baby.
The Friendly Mongoose Extra Questions Long Answer Type
Question 1.
What made the farmer’s wife kill the mongoose? Why did she cry after killing the mongoose?
The farmer’s wife returned home with a basketful of groceries. She noticed that the face and paws of the mongoose were covered with blood. She thought that the mongoose has killed her baby. She hit the mongoose with her basket full of groceries. The mongoose died on the spot. She later saw her baby was asleep. She saw a black snake lying dead on the floor. The farmer’s wife realised her mistake that she killed the mongoose out of rage. She ran out looking for the mongoose. She touched the dead animal and cried to show her sorrow.
The Friendly Mongoose Extra Questions Value Based Type
Question 1.
Do you think one should act hastily and rashly? Give reasons to support your answer.
No, one should never act hastily and rashly. People tend to do mistakes when they act hastily. There is no point crying over something which has already happened. The farmer’s wife acted hastily and killed the mongoose who has saved her baby from a deadly snake. She realised her mistake after killing the mongoose. The family lost a good and trustworthy friend out of anger. She should have looked for her baby before killing the mongoose.