Rama to the Rescue Class 6 English Chapter 3 Extra Questions and Answers

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Rama to the Rescue Class 6 English Chapter 3 Extra Questions and Answers


Question 1.
Who was trying to get into the house?
A thief was trying to get into the house.

Question 2.
Who was Rama?
Rama was the village Kotwal (police officer).

Question 3.
How did the thief know that the owners of the house were awake?
The thief heard the voices of the owners of the house talking.


Question 4.
Who came up with a plan to deal with the situation and what was the plan?
The husband came up with the plan. The plan was to call out “Rama” in different situations to alert the village Kotwal.

Question 5.
What did the thief wish the husband and wife should talk about?
The thief wished that the husband and wife should stop their silly game of calling out “Rama” and instead talk about their money.


Question 6.
When did Rama hear his name?
Rama heard his name when the husband asked the wife what she would call their son if he were not in the house but on the street. The wife then started shouting, calling out “Rama’s” name, which alerted the village Kotwal.

Question 7.
What did Rama see when he entered the house?
Rama saw that a thief had broken into the house.

Question 8.
What did Rama do after entering the house?
Rama entered through the hole that the thief had made, apprehended the thief, and arrested him.


Question 9.
How did the husband and wife save themselves from being robbed?
The husband and wife saved themselves from being robbed through their cleverness and quick thinking in alerting Rama, the village Kotwal, to apprehend the thief.

Rama to the Rescue Class 6 Extract-Based Questions

Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow choosing the best option from among the given ones.

1. “They are saying something. Perhaps they are talking about their money. I had better listen closely.”


Question 1.
Identify the words from the paragraph that correspond to the meanings provided below:
(a) forming a theory or conjecture about something without firm evidence.
(b) a belief or supposition based on incomplete information or without proof.
(c) having a desire to know or learn about something.
(a) speculating
(b) assumption
(c) interested

Question 2.
Who is speculating about what others are doing?
The thief is speculating about what the husband and wife are doing.

Question 3.
Whatisthespeaker speculating about what others are doing?
The speaker is speculating that the husband and wife are talking about their money.


Question 4.
Why is the speaker going to listen closely?
The speaker is going to listen closely because he wants to find out where the money has been kept in the house.

Question 5.
Was the speaker able to locate the money?
No, the speaker was not able to locate the money.