Parts of Speech Exercises For Class 6 With Answers CBSE – English Grammar

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Parts of Speech Exercises For Class 6 With Answers CBSE – English Grammar

Words are divided into different kinds or classes. These are called Parts of Speech according to their use, that is, according to the work they do in a sentence. The Parts of Speech are eight in number:


1.  Noun             2. Pronoun             3. Adjective                4. Verb
5.  Adverb         6. Preposition        7. Conjunction           8. Interjection

On the basis of these eight parts, words of English are classified.


Part of Speech Explanation Examples
Noun A word that names a person, a place or a thing. boy, Sameer, cat, Paris
Pronoun A word that is used instead of a noun. I, he, you, yourself
Adjective A word that describes a person or thing. pretty, easy, fat
Verb A word or group of words that express an action or a state. go, jump, be, think
Adverb A word that describes or gives more information about a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or even the entire sentence. quickly, tomorrow, outside
Preposition A word that is used before a noun or a pronoun to connect it to another word in the sentence. It is usually used to show location, direction, time, and so forth. on, in, to, from, of
Conjunction A word that joins parts of a sentence together. and, or, but
Interjection A short sound, word or phrase used to express the speaker’s emotion. wow, hmm, well, oh dear


Name the Part of Speech of each italicised word in the following sentences, giving in each case your reason for the classification:


  1. He still lives in that house.
  2. The aftereffects of the drug are bad.
  3. He told us all about the battle.
  4. Suddenly one of the wheels came off.
  5. Mohammedans fast in the month of Ramzan.
  6. He kept the fast for a week.
  7. He is on the committee.
  8. Let us move on.
  9. The up train is late.
  10. I will watch while you sleep.


  1. Adverb – adds something to the meaning of the verb ‘lives’.
  2. Adjective – adds something to the meaning of the noun ‘effects’.
  3. Preposition – shows the relation between ‘all’ and ‘battle’.
  4. Adverb – adds something to the meaning of the verb ‘come’.
  5. Verb – says something about ‘Mohammedans’.
  6. Noun – the name of something.
  7. Preposition – shows the relation between ‘he’ and ‘committee’.
  8. Adverb – adds something to the meaning of the word ‘move’.
  9. Adjective – adds something to the meaning of the verb ‘train’.
  10. Conjunction – joins the two parts ‘I will watch’ and “you sleep’