Neem Baba Class 6 English Chapter 7 Extra Questions and Answers
Question 1.
How do the leaves of the Neem tree give relief to the patient suffering from measles?
Measles creates a lot of itching in the individual, therefore doctors advise the patient to lie on Neem leaves. Neem leaves have the chemical property to destroy germs and stop their breeding. Thus it gives comfort to the patient.
Question 2.
How cough can be cured by home medicine made from Neem?
The bark of the Neem is boiled for a long time in water and then given to the patient to drink to cure cough.
Question 3.
Give one example, of how neem flowers can be useful.
Neem flowers are used to make kajal to reduce itching in the eyes.
Question 4.
What part of Neem tree is used to clean our teeth?
The Neem tree twigs are chewed to make a brush to clean one’s teeth.
Question 5.
How is Neem oil used?
Neem oil is used to make Neem soap and Neem toothpaste.
Question 6.
What do scientists call the Neem tree?
Scientists call it the ‘bitter grace of God’, nature’s gift to man.
Question 7.
Why is it called the ‘magic tree’ the tree of the twentieth century?
They have been of great value in the field of medicine and for purifying quality in the century, therefore it is called by this name.
Question 8.
Which part of the Neem tree is used to make kajal and how does it help?
Kajal is made from the flowers of the Neem tree. It cures itching in the eyes.
Question 9.
How mosquito breeding can be stopped in stagnant water?
Mosquito breeding can be stopped by sprinkling Neem seed powder on stagnant water near our homes.
Question 10.
Why was the brother made to lie down on Neem’s leaves when he had measles?
Neem leaves have the chemical property to destroy and stop the germs from breeding. They also give comfort to the patient.
Question 11.
How is the Neem useful to the farmers?
Farmers use the powder of neem seeds to protect their crops from insects and locusts. They mix them with water and spray it on the crops of their fields. This also protects the roots of crops from the breeding of termites and mosquitoes.
Neem Baba Class 6 Extract Based Questions
Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow choosing the best option from among the given ones.
1. I am very old. I was born millions of years ago somewhere in North India or Myanmar. Soon, my family spread outside India. (Page 76)
Question 1.
Where is the Neem tree found
(a) In India and Africa
(b) In India and Asia
(c) In parts of America
(d) All of the above
(d) All of the above
Question 2.
Why did Neem Baba say that he was old?
Neem Baba said that he was old because he was bom millions of years ago.
2. We become well-known for what we do. People find us useful and that is why they know us. Scientists call us the ‘bitter grace of God’, ‘nature’s gift to man’, and ‘cleanliness-parting tree’. Some even call us the ‘magic tree’’ and ‘the tree of the twentieth century’. (Page 76)
Question 1.
What name have the scientists given to Neem Baba?
(a) Arishta
(b) Medicinal tree
(c) ’bitter grace of God’
(d) ‘Nature’s gift to man
Both (c) & (d)
Question 2.
What things are made from Neem oil?
Soap and toothpaste paste are made from Neem oil.
3. I know that people clean their teeth with their twigs and protect clothes with their leaves. Sometime back, when my brother had measles, the doctor told us to put neem leaves on his bed and make him lie down on them. Can you explain why? (Page 78)
Question 1.
People clean their teeth with
(a) Seed powder of Neem tree
(b) Bark of Neerji tree
(c) Twig of Neem tree
(d) All of the above
(c) Twig of Neem tree
Question 2.
How are clothes stored with the Neem tree?
Clothes are stored with Neem leaves to protect them from insects.
4. Oh, little Amber, you know so much. Remember, these remedies are to be used only by people who are well-trained and have a lot of experience. (Page 79)
Question 1.
Neem Baba called Amber little because
(a) she was his grandchild
(b) she had played under his shade when she was a baby
(c) He loved her
(d) None of the above
(b) she had played under his shade when she was a baby
Question 2.
When was Amber sitting under the tree and from where she had come?
Amber was sitting under the shade of the tree, after her return from school.
5. Of course. People save their stored grains from insects by adding neem seed powder to them. Neem oil is also used to make soaps and toothpaste. Furniture made from neem wood is not eaten by termites. Neem also purifies the air. There are many qualities yet to be discovered. Will you discover them when you grow up? (Page 80)
Question 1.
What are Termites
(a) They are fungus that spoil food
(b) They are insects that eat wood
(c) It is the other name for housefly
(d) None of the above
(b) They are insects that eat wood
Question 2.
What does Neem Baba expect from Amber?
Neem Baba expects Amber to discover more uses of Neem tree when she would grow up.
Neem Baba Class 6 MCQs Multiple Choice Questions
A. Choose the correct alternative from the given option.
Question 1.
Neem tree grows:-
(a) all over the world
(b) only in India
(c) Asian, African, India,n and some parts of America
(d) none of the above
(c) Asian, African, India,n and some parts of America
Question 2.
The Sanskrit name of the Neem tree is:-
(a) Nimbaca
(b) Nimba
(c) Arishta
(d) Neem
(c) Arishta
Question 3.
Arishta means:-
(a) Plant doctor
(b) Medicine
(c) one who cures diseases
(d) can cure
(c) one who cures diseases
Question 4.
Grandmother cured the cough with medicine made from
(a) neem roots
(b) neem bark
(c) bark
(d) leaves
(b) neem bark
Question 5.
The itching eyes of the father were cured by kajal from:
(a) neem seeds
(b) neem buds
(c) neem flowers
(d) neem leaves
(c) neem flowers
Question 6.
Farmers use powder of Neem seeds:-
(a) to fertilize the soil
(b) to cure them of diseases
(c) by mixing it with water and spraying it on the fields to drive away the insects and locusts.
(d) all of the above
(c) by mixing it with water and spraying it on the fields to drive away the insects and locusts.
Question 7.
Neem oil is used to make
(a) perfume
(b) soap and toothpaste
(c) detergent
(d) all of the above
(b) soap and toothpaste