NCERT Class 6 English Poorvi Chapter 12 Question Answer Yoga – A Way of Life

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NCERT Class 6 English Poorvi Chapter 12 Question Answer Yoga – A Way of Life

Yoga – A Way of Life Question Answer Class 6 English

Let us do these activities before we read. (Page 122)

Question 1.
What do you know about yoga? Discuss in pairs and share with the whole class.

Yoga is an ancient and holistic practice, rooted in Indian philosophy. Maharishi Patanjali, rightly called “The Father of Yoga” compiled and refined various aspects of Yoga systematically in his Yoga Sutras’. It began as a spiritual practice but has become popular as a way of promoting physical and mental well-being. It integrates physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), relaxation techniques, and meditation. Yoga improves strength, balance, and flexibility. Yoga promotes mindfulness and reduces stress. Yoga has gained immense popularity worldwide, with millions of people practicing it for its physical, mental, and spiritual benefits.


Question 2.
What is 21st June known for? What do we do on this day?
June 21st is known as the International Day of Yoga. It was declared as such by the United Nations General Assembly in 2014 to highlight the benefits of practicing yoga and to promote global health, harmony, and peace. On this day, people around the world participate in yoga sessions, workshops, and events to celebrate the practice of yoga and its impact on physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.


Question 3.
List as many words you know related to yoga. Share them with your classmates.
Words related to Yoga are:


  1. Asana
  2. Pranayama
  3. Meditation
  4. Mindfulness
  5. Namaste
  6. Om
  7. Chakra
  8. Mantra
  9. Hatha
  10. Vinyasa
  11. Kundalini
  12. Yogi
  13. Guru
  14. Mudra
  15. Shavasana

Let us discuss (Page 124)

Question 1.
Read the passage again and fill in the blanks with words from the box.

Yoga is a practice that not only improves physical flexibility but also improves mental (i) ______________ and leads to a healthier (ii) ______________. It involves a series of asanas, which increase muscular (iii) ______________. Practicing yoga also leads to a better body and mind (iv) ______________ and reduces body pain such as the lower back. Moreover, the focus on breathing techniques and meditation makes the mind (v) ______________, lessens (vi) ______________, and improves the quality of (vii) ______________. This helps to adopt a more positive lifestyle.
Yoga is a practice that not only improves physical flexibility but also improves mental (i) Health and leads to a healthier (ii) Lifestyle. It involves a series of asanas, which increase muscular (iii) Strength. Practicing yoga also leads to a better body and mind (iv) Balance and reduces body pain such as the lower back. Moreover, the focus on breathing techniques and meditation makes the mind (v) Calm, lessens (vi) Stress, and improves *the quality of (vii) Sleep. This helps to adopt a more positive lifestyle.


Let us think and reflect (Page 125)

Question 1.
What is the aim of yoga?
Yoga aims to unite mind and body; thought and action; and bring harmony between humans and nature leading to good health and well-being.


Question 2.
Explain the idea of unity in yoga.
The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘yuj’, meaning ‘to unite’. The practice of Yoga aims to create a union between body, mind, and spirit through three main practices: postures, breathing, and meditation.

Question 3.
What does the launch of the WHO mYoga app tell us about the importance of yoga?
mYoga. app makes people aware of how to stay active and healthy through practicing Yoga regularly. It is a valuable tool for people of all ages to make physical activity an integral part of life and reach the level needed to promote good health. It encourages them to practice Yoga. The App launched by WHO also shows that Yoga is recognized internationally.


Question 4.
Describe one long-term effect that the practice of yoga can have on a person’s qualities.
Over time, those who practice yoga report lower levels of stress, and increased feelings of happiness and well-being. This is because concentrating on the postures and the breath acts as a form of meditation.

Let us learn (Page 125)

Question 1.
Let us play the game of Antakshari. The first word is ‘yoga’. The next word must then begin with the letter ‘a’. This activity will go on and the whole class will participate and will write the words on the blackboard. How many new words have you learned?
Yoga → against → Termite → Elegant → Tenure → Essential → Liberty → Yacht → Tempting → Gracious → Strategy

Question 2.
Make as many words as you can using the letters shown. Use the letter ‘A’ in all the words that you make.


NCERT Class 6 English Poorvi Chapter 12 Question Answer Yoga - A Way of Life Page 125 Q2.1

  1. A and R – Adulterated, Alert, Apart, Deport, Area, Arena, Arrow
  2. A and N – Abandon, Span, Ban, Again, Alien, Align, Naval
  3. A and O – Above, Actor, About, Adorn, Aloud, Among, Adore
  4. A and G – Anger, Agent, Agile, Against, Agree
  5. A and E – Ahead, Abate, Acute, Ache, Fear, Smear, Ecstasy
  6. A and Y – Angry, Always, Agony, Alloy, Salary, May, Play, Say

Let us listen (Page 125)

Yoga – A Way of Life

Namaste everyone!
I wish to share with you all that I do simple yoga exercises with my grandfather. He has been practicing yoga since he was 16 years old. My grandfather is fi and strong even at the age of 65. I am sure that this is the result of many good habits. I know that eating a balanced diet regularly and making yoga a part of his life has been one hundred percent effective. When I accompany my grandfather to the park, I see so many people–young and old–doing yogic breathing exercises.

I like doing these exercises. Whenever I’m a little worried about an Inter-House competition, I always remember to do some of these exercises early morning that day. It relaxes me and makes me feel focused and calm. I plan on learning some asanas from my grandfather during the summer vacations.
Wish me luck!


You will listen to the audio or narration once again. As you listen, check your answers.
You will listen to a girl talk about practicing yoga. As you listen, select four true statements from the sentences given in the table.


Statements T/F
1. The girl sees people at the park doing breathing exercises. True
2. Her grandfather began practicing Yoga sixteen years ago. False
3. The girl practices some easy Yoga exercises with her grandfather. True
4. The girl practices breathing exercises to relax. True
5. Her grandfather is fit even though he has untimely meals. False
6. Her grandfather’s regular Yoga practice has kept him strong. True
7. The girl wishes to learn asanas over the weekend. False

Let us speak (Page 126)

Question 1.
Participate in groups of four to share your ‘yoga thoughts’.


If you have tried yoga If you have not tried yoga, yet
I practice yoga because it helps me find balance and inner peace, both mentally and physically. I wish to practice yoga because it offers a holistic approach to improving both my physical and mental well-being.
My favorite thing about yoga is it helps me release tension and find calm amidst the busyness of life. I hope that once I begin practicing yoga, I will experience a positive transformation in both my body and mind.
I feel rejuvenated after a yoga session because I feel refreshed, energized, and at peace. The kind of exercise I want to try in yoga is Surya namaskar because it has a series of twelve asanas which is beneficial for the whole body.
The one thing in yoga that I want to practice is Meditation because it helps me cultivate a deeper sense of inner peace and mindfulness.

Question 2.
Take turns to speak and listen to others when they share their thoughts.
Participant 1:

  • I practice yoga because… It helps me stay fit and reduces stress.
  • My favorite thing about yoga is… The relaxation and mindfulness.
  • I feel rejuvenated after a yoga session because… It clears my mind and stretches my muscles.
  • I want to practice meditation because… It enhances my focus.

Participant 2:

  • I wish to practice yoga because… I’ve heard about its benefits.
  • I hope that once I begin practicing yoga, I… Will feel more relaxed.
  • The kind of exercise I want to try in yoga is asanas because… They improve flexibility.

Participant 3:

  • I practice yoga because… It helps me connect with my inner self.
  • My favorite thing about yoga is… The calm it brings.
  • I feel energized after a yoga session because… It boosts my mood.
  • I want to practice pranayama because… It reduces anxiety.

Participant 4:

  • I wish to practice yoga because… I want to improve my posture.
  • I hope that once I begin practicing yoga, I… Will develop better concentration.
  • The kind of exercise I want to try in yoga is surya namaskar because… It energizes the whole body.


  • Take turns to speak.
  • Listen actively.
  • Reflect on common themes.
  • Encourage everyone to participate.

Let us write (Page 127)

Write a short paragraph on ‘The Benefits of Yoga’. You may use the following sentence starters along with your ideas to create the paragraph.

One benefit of yoga that interests me is its ability to improve flexibility and joint health. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who have tight muscles or stiffness from sedentary lifestyles or repetitive motions. Improved flexibility not only allows for better physical performance in activities but also reduces the risk of injuries by ensuring muscles and joints can move through their full range without strain. A popular Yoga pose is the flower pose because it offers a unique combination of balance, flexibility, and meditative focus, making it beneficial for both physical and mental well-being. Yoga is not just physical exercise: it also encompasses a variety of mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits that contribute to overall well-being. Finally, Yoga can be a great way to cultivate harmony in the mind. Body, and spirit, fostering a balanced and enriched life experience.

Let us explore (Page 127)

Question 1.
Do you know?
A few seals of the Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilisation, dating back to 2700 BC, indicate that yoga was prevalent in ancient India. Many people contributed to its development and now, yoga has spread all over the world. On 11th December 2014, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) with 193 members accepted the proposal to celebrate ‘21st June’ as ‘International Yoga Day’.
Yes, I am fully aware that the 21st of June is ‘International Yoga Day’. Our Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated the first International Day of Yoga on June 21st, 2015, on the theme Yoga for Harmony and Peace.


Question 2.
Find out about two asanas and their benefits, and share your findings with your classmates and teacher. You may visit the following websites to learn more about yoga.
Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasanu):
Description: A foundational pose where the body forms an inverted V-shape.


  • Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and shoulders.
  • Strengthens arms and legs.
  • Improves blood circulation to the brain.
  • Relieves stress and calms the mind.

Tree Pose (Vrikshasana):
Description: A balancing pose where one foot is placed on the inner thigh of the opposite leg, and hands are brought together above the head.


  • Enhances balance and stability in the legs.
  • Strengthens thighs, calves, ankles, and spine.
  • Improves concentration and focus.
  • Helps in grounding and centering the mind.

Who Am I? (Page 130)

Question 1.
I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I become even.
What number am I?
Number 7. If you take away the letter “s,” from ‘seven’ then it becomes ‘even’.

Question 2.
You go at green but stop at red.
Who am I?
You stop at a green signal when you make way for an ambulance. You run a red light when you’re the one driving the ambulance.

Question 3.
I follow you all the time, but you can’t touch me or catch me.
What am I?
Your shadow


Question 4.
Three letters in my name; Backwards-forwards it’s the same.
I am a body part.
Who am I?
The body part that is spelled the same forward and backward is ‘eye’.