India, That is Bharat Class 6 Question Answer Social Science Chapter 5

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India, That is Bharat Class 6 Question Answer Social Science Chapter 5

NCERT Class 6 Social Science SST Chapter 5 India, That is Bharat Questions and Answers Solutions

India, That is Bharat Class 6 Questions and Answers (In-Text)

The Big Questions (Page 75)


Question 1.
How do we define India?
India is a vast and diverse country located in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country in the world by land area. India is bordered by several countriesPakistan to the northwest, China and Nepal to the north, Bhutan to the northeast, and Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east. To the south, it is surrounded by the Indian Ocean, with the Arabian Sea on the west and the Bay of Bengal on the east.

India’s landscape includes a wide range of features. In the north, the towering Himalayan mountain range forms a natural barrier. The central part of India is characterized by fertile plains, especially the Indo-Gangetic Plain, which is home to the Ganges River, one of the most important rivers in the country.


The western part of India has the Thar Desert, while the southern part features the Deccan Plateau and several coastal plains. India also has a number of significant islands, including the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal and the Lakshadweep Islands in the Arabian Sea.


Question 2.
What were the ancient names for India?
In ancient times, India was known by several different names. One of the earliest names was “Bharat,” derived from the ancient Hindu king Bharata. This name is still used today and is the official Sanskrit name for the country. Another ancient name for India was “Jambudvipa,” which means “the island of the rose apple tree” and was used in early Indian literature.

The ancient Greeks referred to India as “Indike,” derived from the River Indus, which was a significant landmark for them. The Persian Empire also called the region “Hindustan,” which means “land of the Hindus” and was derived from the Sanskrit name “Sindhu,” referring to the Indus River. These ancient names reflect the rich history and cultural heritage of India, showcasing its importance in early civilisations and trade routes.

Let’s Explore 

Question 1.
Do you recognise the names of any regions given in the below map (on page 79)? List the ones that you have heard of.

The names of regions are which I can recognise Kerala, Kalinga, Chola, Pandya, Kashi, Kosala and Avanti.


Question 2.
In the reproduction of the first page of the original Constitution of India (on page 82), can you make out the phrase ‘India, that is Bharat’? (Page 81)
Yes, the original Constitution of India contains the phrase “India, that is Bharat.” This phrase is found in the very first article of the Constitution, which reads:
India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States.
This phrase establishes that both “India” and “Bharat” are official names for the country.
“Bharat” is derived from ancient Sanskrit texts and signifies the historical and cultural identity of the nation, while “India” is more commonly used in international contexts.


Question 3.
Can you complete this table of the many names of India?


Persian Sindhu
Greek Indike or Indoi
Latin India
Chinese Yindu
Arabic & Persian Hindustan
English India
French Inde

India, That is Bharat Question Answer (Exercise)

Question 1.
Discuss what could be the meaning of the quotation at the start of the chapter.
Refer to Let’s Explore question No. 2


Question 2.
True or False
(a) The Rig Veda describes the entire geography of India.


(b) The Vishnu Purana describes the entire Subcontinent.

(c) In Ashoka’s time, ‘Jambudvipa’ included what is today India, parts of Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

(d) The Mahabharata lists many regions, including Kashmir, Kutch, and Kerala.

(e) The term ‘Hindustăn’ first appeared in a Greek inscription more than 2,000 years ago.

(f) In ancient Persian, the word ‘Hindu’ refers to the Hindu religion.

(g) ‘Bharata’ is a name given to India by foreign travellers.


Question 3.
If you were born some 2,000 years ago and had the chance to name our country, what name or names might you have chosen, and why? Use your imagination!
Do it yourself.

Question 4.
Why did people travel to India from various parts of the world in ancient times? What could be their motivations in undertaking such long journeys? (Hint: There could be at least four or five motivations)
People travelled to India from various parts of the world in ancient times for many reasons. Here are fiye key motivations for their long journeys:
(i) India was famous for its spices, silk, and other valuable goods. Traders came from faraway lands to buy and sell these items, which were highly prized in their home countrios.

(ii) India was known for its ancient universities like Nalanda and Takshashila, where scholars studied subjects like mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and philosophy. Students and teachers travelled to India to gain knowledge and wisdom.

(iii) India is the birthplace of major religions like Hínduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Pilgrims from different parts of the world traveled to visit holy sites, temples, and monasteries to seek spiritual enlightenment and blessings.

(iv) Adventurous explorers travelled to India to discover new lands, cultures, and people. They were curious about the rich history, diverse traditions, and the natural beauty of the region.

(v) Kings and conquerors came to India to expand their empires and gain wealth. They wanted to control the rich resources and establish their rule over the prosperous cities and fertile lands of India.