How to Create Stock Items in Tally ERP 9

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How to Create Stock Items in Tally ERP 9

Stock items are referred to as goods that a company manufactures in Tally. In Tally, stock items can be created using two methods which are as follows:

  1. Single Stock Item
  2. Multiple Stock Items
Groups Name of Item Unit Opening Qty Rate Amount
Television MI 32 Inch TV Nos 2 15,000 30,000
MI 42 Inch TV Nos 2 20,000 75,000
Sony 32 Inch TV Nos 3 25,000 75,000
LG 32 Inch TV Nos 4 20,000 80,000
Music System Sony 5.1 Music System Nos 2 20,000 40,000
Phillips DVD player Nos 5 15,000 75,000
Sony Blue Ray Player Nos 10 25,000 250,000

Creation of Single stock item

Use the following path to create single stock items in Tally.

Gateway of Tally → Inventory Info → Stock Items → Single stock item → Create

Step 1: Go to Gateway of Tally and then Choose Inventory Info.

How to Create Stock Items in Tally ERP 9

Step 2: Choose Stock items under Inventory Info.

How to Create Stock Items in Tally ERP 9

Step 3: Choose “Create” under the Single Stock Item.

How to Create Stock Items in Tally ERP 9

Step 4: Enter the following details on the next screen, “Single Stock Group Creation”.

Name: Specify the name of the stock item.

Alias: It can be short name of stock item or product id or another name.

Under: Specify the stock group under which this stock item is to be specified.

Category: Specify the stock category of stock items.

Units: It specifies the units of measure to count the stock items.

Opening Balance: Specify the opening balance of the stock items.

Quantity: Specify the quantity of stock items.

How to Create Stock Items in Tally ERP 9

Rate: When we are entering the values of the rate for stock items, a new window opens. Update the following details, as shown below:

Godown: Under the list of Godowns, choose Godown.

Rate: Specify the rate of stock items.

Based on the quantity and rate amounts, per and amount values are automatically calculated.

How to Create Stock Items in Tally ERP 9

After specifying all required details, press enter to continue. In Tally ERP 9, choose ‘Yes’ to save the details.

How to Create Stock Items in Tally ERP 9

Creation of Multiple Stock Items

Use the following path to create multiple stock items:

Gateway of Tally.ERP 9 > Inventory Info > Stock Items > Multiple stock items > Create

Step 1: Choose the “Create” option under multiple stock items, as shown below.

How to Create Stock Items in Tally ERP 9

Step 2: Enter the following details in the next screen, “Multi Stock Item Creation”.

Under group: Choose under group as all items to update the different types of stock items with different category groups.

Now update all the required details: Specify the name of items, stock group, stock category, stock units, stock opening qty, and rates.

How to Create Stock Items in Tally ERP 9

In the Tally ERP 9 system, click on A: Accept to save the entered details.