Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 10

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Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 10

NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 10 Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics Important Extra Questions and Answers

Very Short Answer Type Questions


Question 1.
What characteristic is observed when a plant’s leaves close at night?
Response to stimuli.

Question 2.
What is the process called when living beings take food for growth and development?


Question 3.
What characteristic allows living beings to produce offspring of their own kind?

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Why is stagnant water particularly conducive to mosquito breeding, and what specific conditions within stagnant water support the development of mosquito larvae and pupae?
Stagnant water provides a stable and nutrient-rich environment for mosquito eggs to hatch and larvae to develop. The stillness of the water prevents the mixing of water, which allows mosquito larvae to thrive without being disturbed. Additionally, organic matter in the water can provide nourishment for the larvae. The lack of predators and fluctuating environmental conditions in stagnant water make it an ideal habitat for mosquitoes.


Question 2.
What are the key measures that can be implemented in a community to control mosquito breeding in stagnant water sources, and how effective are these measures in preventing the spread of mosquito-borne diseases?
Key measures, include regularly emptying and cleaning containers that collect water and using larvicides in stagnant water to kill mosquito larvae. Additionally, community awareness campaigns can educate people on the importance of eliminating standing water. These measures are effective in reducing mosquito.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Describe the life cycle of a mosquito, including the larval and pupal stages, and explain how these stages contribute to the spread of mosquito-borne diseases.
The mosquito life cycle consists of four stages: Egg, larva, pupa and adult.
After mating, female mosquitoes lay eggs on the surface of stagnant water. These eggs hatch into larvae, which feed on microorganisms and organic matter. The larvae then develop into pupae, a transitional stage where they do not feed but undergo metamorphosis. Finally, they emerge as adult mosquitoes.

The adult mosquitoes can then spread diseases like malaria, dengue and chikungunya when they bite humans, transmitting pathogens they have acquired during feeding.

Question 2.
Draw the life cycle of a frog.

What Sets the Living Apart from the Non-living Class 6 Extra Questions

Question 1.
What is movement?
Movement can be defined as the act of changing physical position or location. It involves going from one place to another.

Question 2.
Do plants show any kind of movement?
No, plants do not show any kind of movement.

Question 3.
What are insectivorous plants?
Insectivorous plants, are special plants that catch insects and digest them to get nutrients.

Question 4.
Write the examples of insectivorous plants.
Venus fly trap, pitcher plant, and sundews.


Question 5.
What is growth? Or Define growth.
Growth is the process of increasing in size, mass or overall development.


Question 6.
Define nutrition.
Nutrition is the process by which organisms obtain and utilize nutrients from food for growth development and energy.

Question 7.
What is respiration?
Respiration is the process by which organisms take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide to obtain energy from food.

Question 8.
What is excretion?
Excretion is the process by which waste is removed from body. Urine, sweat and salts are called excretion.

Question 9.
Define stimulus.
Anything or any event that prompt living beings to respond is called a stimulus.

Question 10.
What is reproduction?
Reproduction is the process of producing new ones of one’s own kind.

Essential Conditions for Germination of a Seed Class 6 Extra Questions

Question 1.
What is germination?
Germination is the process by which a seed develop into a new plant.


Question 2.
Write the essential things / condition required for seed germination.
The essential things / condition required for seed germination:

  1. Water
  2. Air and soil
  3. Light and/or dark condition

Growth and Movement in Plants Class 6 Extra Questions

Question 1.
How do plants respond to sunlight?
The plants respond to sunlight because its parts move towards the sunlight due to phototropism.

Question 2.
What is geotropism movement in plants?
Geotropism means – The movement of roots in plant towards the gravity.

Question 3.
What is tropism in plant?
Tropism in plants is when they respond to external stimuli or by growing or movement in certain way.

Question 4.
Write the types of tropism.
Types of tropism are:

  1. Phototropism: Movement towards sunlight
  2. Geotropism: Movement towards gravity
  3. Hydrotropism: Movement towards water
  4. Chemotropism: Movement towards chemicals
  5. Thigmotropism: Movement towards touch or external stimuli.

Life Cycle of a Plant Class 6 Extra Questions

Question 1.
What is life cycle of a plant?
The entire process from a seed to a plant and then to the next generation of seeds is called the life cycle of a plants.

Question 2.
What is seed?
A seed is a small hard structure that contain a baby plant inside it.


Question 3.
What is flower?
A flower is a part of plant that make seed/fruit after pollination.

Question 4.
Write the stages in plant during life cycle of the plant.
Stages in plants:

  1. Seed
  2. Seed germination
  3. Appearance of leaves
  4. Appearance of flower
  5. Appearance of fruits.

Life Cycle of Animals Class 6 Extra Questions

Question 1.
How long does it take for a tadpole to frog?
Time it takes for a newly hatched tadpole to become a frog is around 14 weeks.

Question 2.
What are frog eggs called?
The jelly like substance that is a cluster of eggs of a frog is known as spawn.


Question 3.
What is metamorphosis?
The development of larvae (an immature form that hatches from an egg) to the adult form is metamorphosis.

Question 4.
Explain the life cycle of a frog.
The life cycle of a frog begins with a fertilized egg. The fertilized egg develops into a tadpole. The fertilized egg and tadpole stages are found in the water in the spring. The tadpole develops into an immature froglet, then it is transformed via the process of metamorphosis into an adult frog. The tail is absorbed and the external gills are replaced by lungs. The adult frog lives on land and in the water and breathes air.

Question 5.
Write short note on forglet.
When the tadpole reaches the forglet stage, it is almost a full adult. At this point, the tadpole’s gills have disappeared, and its lungs have enlarged. This means it is ready to leave the water and live on land. Once its tail disappears, it will become an adult frog.

Question 6.
Do frogs live in the water or on land?
Frogs can live both on land and in water. Amphibians replaced gills with another respiratory organ, the lungs, in order to live on land.