Create Stock Category in Tally

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Create Stock Category in Tally

In Tally, a stock category can be created by using two methods, as shown below:

  1. Single Stock Category
  2. Multiple Stock Category

We need to set ‘Yes’ before the creation of stock category in Tally to maintain Stock Categories in F11: Features. Use the following path to create a stock category:

Gateway of Tally → F11: Features → Inventory Features

Create Stock Category in Tally

Creation of Single stock category in Tally

Step 1: Go to Gateway of Tally and then choose Inventory Info option.

Create Stock Category in Tally

Step 2: Choose the Stock Categories option under Inventory Info to create a stock category in Tally.

Create Stock Category in Tally

Step 3: Choose the ‘Create’ option under the Single stock category to create a single stock category in Tally.

Create Stock Category in Tally

Step 4: Update the following details in the next screen ‘Sintock creation’.

  1. Name: Enter the stock category name that has to be created in Tally. In the given screenshot, we have given the name of a stock category as ’32 Inches TV’.
  2. Under: In this, choose the stock group as Primary.
  3. Should quantities of items to be added: In this, choose Yes option.

Create Stock Category in Tally

Choose A: Accept after entering all the required details to accept the updated details.

In Tally, we have successfully created a single stock group.