Create Sales Voucher in Tally

ncert books

Create Sales Voucher in Tally

Use the step by step process to create sales voucher in Tally.

Screen: Gateway of Tally
Path: Tally Main → Gateway of Tally
Step 1:
To enter the voucher creation screen, select the menu option ‘Accounting Vouchers’.
Screen: Accounting Voucher Creation
Path: Gateway of Tally → Accounting Voucher Creation
Step 2:
Button → ‘Sales’: Click on the button named ‘Sales’ or press ‘F8’, if Tally ERP 9 is not already ion ‘Sales Voucher’ mode.
Step 3:
Field → ‘Reference No’: Specify the reference number like the customer’s PO number.
Step 4:
Field → ‘Party’s A/c Name’: Choose the relevant customer name to whom sales have been made.
Step 5:
Field → ‘Sales Ledger’: Under the list, choose a sales account. Tally can process only those ledgers which have been created under the account group ‘Sales Accounts’.
Step 6:
Field → ‘Name of Item’: Choose the stock item that has been sold.
Step 7:
Specify the sold quantity of the stock item.
Step 8:
Field → ‘Rate’: Specify the price of per unit at which the stock item was sold.
Step 9:
Field → ‘per’: Tally ERP proposes the UOM. This UOM was selected when we create this stock item ‘master’.
Step 10:
Field → ‘Amount’: Tally multiplies the rate fields and quantity. It automatically proposes the amount. In Tally, there is no need to modify the amount.
Step 11:
Field → ‘Name of Item’: In the same invoice, if we have sold more than 1 stock item to the customer, select another stock item. Else, we will select ‘End of List’.
Step 12:
Filed → ‘Name of Item’: Choose another ledger. This ledger needs to be included in the invoice.
Step 13:
Field → ‘Narration’: Specify a narration if we needed.
Screen: Gateway of Tally
Path: Tally Main → Gateway of Tally
Step 14:
Select the menu item ‘Display’ to see the impact of voucher entry on the relevant ledgers.
Path: Gateway of Tally → Display Menu
Step 15:
Choose the option ‘Account Books’.
Path: Gateway of Tally → Display Menu → Account Books
Step 16:
Choose the option ‘Ledger’.
Screen: Select Item
Path: Gateway of Tally → Display Menu → Account Books → Select Item
Step 17:
Field → ‘Name of ledger’: Choose the sales account, and that ledger will be displayed.
Screen: Ledger Voucher
Path: Gateway of Tally → Display Menu → Account Books → Ledger Vouchers
Step 18:
Using the sales voucher, we can see that the sales ledger has been credited. In the customer account, the corresponding debit entry can be found.
Step 19:
Similarly, display the account of the customer. We can see that the account of the customer has been debited.
Screen: Gateway of Tally
Path: Tally Main → Gateway of Tally
Step 20:
Select ‘Profit & Loss A/c’ from the Display menu to see the impact on the ‘Profit & Loss A/c’.
Screen: Profit & Loss A/c
Path: Gateway of Tally → Profit & Loss A/c
Step 21:
The ‘Profit & Loss A/c’ is used to show the profit numbers and sales amount.
Step 22:
Button ‘Detailed’: In condensed mode, profit & loss are displayed. In condensed mode, only the account groups are displayed. Click on the button named ‘Debited’ or press ‘Alt’+’F1’ to see the details.
Screen: Gateway of Tally
Path: Tally Main → Gateway of Tally
Step 23:
Select ‘Balance Sheet’ from the Gateway of Tally to see the impact of the sales entry on the Balance sheet.
Screen: Balance Sheet
Path: Gateway of Tally → Balance Sheet
Step 24:
At the group level, the balance sheet is shown. Under ‘Current Assets’, customer accounts are included.
Step 25:
Button → ‘Detailed’: Click on the button named ‘Detailed’ or press ‘Alt’+’F1’ to see the details.
Screen: Gateway of Tally
Tally Main → Gateway of Tally
Step 26:
Select the menu item ‘stock summary’ to see the impact on the inventory of company records.
Screen: Stock Summary
Path: Gateway of Tally
Step 27:
After the sales entry stock summary shows the on-hand inventory, which is the inventory left.
Step 28:
Button → ‘Detailed’: To see the details like quantity and rate, click on button named ‘Detailed’ or press ‘Alt’+’F1’.
Step 29:
Button → ‘Show Profit’: At the level of stock item, Tally ERP can show the gross profit earned. To see the same, click on button named ‘Show Profit’ or press ‘F7’.
Screen: Accounting Voucher Alteration (Secondary)
Path: Gateway of Tally → Display Menu → Day Book → Accounting Voucher Alteration
Step 30:
Button → ‘Print’: Click on the button named ‘Print’ or press ‘Alt’+‘p’ to print an invoice to be sent to a customer.
Screen: Voucher Printing
Step 31:
Tally is used to allow the different ways to change the printing parameters, and as per our preference, we will generate an invoice. To print the invoice, click ‘Yes’.
Step 32:
It provides a specimen of the invoice as it would look when printing has been given for the readers benefit.
Step 33:
Now, we will provide a quick look of the printing invoice as it relates to the sales voucher has been given for the readers benefit.