CBSE Civics Social Sciences Class 10 Federalism VBQ

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CBSE Civics Social Sciences Class 10 Federalism VBQ

Q.1. Mention any three social or political values reflected by federalism.
Ans. (i) Federalism works on the principle of power sharing which leads to social peace.
(ii) Federal system has dual objective, i.e., to safeguard and promote unity of the country, while at the same time accommodate regional diversity.
(iii) An ideal federal system has important aspect like mutual trust and agreement to live together.

Q.2. Mention any four major values which are reflected by federalism in India.
Ans. (i) Formation of linguistic states has made the country more united.
(ii) While framing the language policy Indian federal system has shown the flexibility. Our Constitution has not given the status of national language to any of the language.
(iii) Some seats in the Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies are reserved for SC and ST. This reflects the principal of equality.
(iv) One third seats of all positions are reserved
for women leading to women empowerment.


Q.3. Explain the values reflected by the principle of decentralisation in India.
Ans. (i) Through decentralisation people at local level participate in decision-making. This strengthens spirit of democracy.
(ii) Constitutional status for local government has helped to deepen democracy in our country.
(iii) It has also increased women’s representation and voice in democracy.

Q.4. “Local governments have made a significant impact on Indian democracy. At the same time there are many difficulties.” Explain. [CBSE 2012]
Ans. (1) Impacts :
(i) Constitutional status for local governments has helped to deepen democracy.
(ii) It has increased women’s representation and voice in our democracy.
(2) Difficulties :
(i) Gram Sabhas are not held regularly.
(ii) Most state governments have not transferred significant powers to local governments.
(iii) State governments have not provided adequate resources.

Q.5. Should Panchayats be given judicial power to punish the anti social elements of its area ? Give your suggestions with arguments. [CBSE 2014]
Ans. No panchayats should not be given such powers ‘
Reasons :
(i) They do not have required resources.
(ii) It is the judiciary which has the power to decide whether a person is guilty or not.