Beauty Poem Class 6 Questions And Answers CBSE
Beauty NCERT Text Book Questions and Answers
Beauty Working with the poem (NCERT Page 55)
Question 1.
The poet says, “Beauty is heard in”
Can you hear beauty? Add a sound that you think is beautiful to the sounds the poet thinks are beautiful.
The poet, Keats, said:
Heard melodies are sweet,
But those unheard are sweeter.
What do you think this means? Have you ever ‘heard’ a song in your head, long after the song was sung or played?
Yes, beauty can be heard anywhere. When we hear something enchanting, it attracts us towards it. We want to hear it again and again. It can be a melodious song by a bird, sound of leaves, air etc. Keats said in the above lines that melodies which we can hear are sweet, but those which we can’t hear are even sweeter. They can only be imagined and beauty lies in the imagination. Yes, sometimes a melodious song stays in one’s mind for long and it keeps playing in one’s head as it has touched that person’s soul.
Question 2.
Read the first and second stanzas of the poem again. Note the following phrases.
Corn growing, people working or dancing, wind sighing, rain falling, a singer chanting
These could be written as
- Corn that is growing
- People who are working or dancing
Can you rewrite the other phrases like this? Why do you think the poet uses the shorter phrases?
Wind which is sighing
Rain which is falling
A singer who is chanting
The poet uses shorter phrases In the poem to make it more attractive and appealing. The poet created a particular order of rhyme scheme.
Question 3.
Find pictures of beautiful things you have seen or heard of.
Do it yourself as each one of us has a different concept of beauty.
Question 4.
Write a paragraph about beauty. Use your own ideas along with the ideas in the poem. (You may discuss your ideas with your partner.)
Beauty is immortal as it remains forever. If it keeps on changing with time, it can’t be called beauty. Beauty keeps giving us joy and happiness.
Some people find beauty only in physical appearance which changes with time and place. Beauty lies within and remains constant while good looks are deceptive.
Beauty Extra Questions and Answers
Beauty Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type
Question 1.
Where can you see beauty?
You can see beauty in the sunlight, trees and birds. It can also be seen in people who are working hard on fields and growing crops.
Question 2.
Do you think beauty lies within us?
Yes, beauty lies within us when our actions are good and thoughts are pious. It gets reflected through their actions.
Question 3.
How can we find beauty in ourselves?
We can find beauty in ourselves by doing good things to others and keeping good thoughts in our mind.
These could be written as
- Corn that is growing
- People who are working or dancing
Beauty Extra Questions Short Answer Type
Question 1.
How can one hear beauty in nature?
A person can hear beauty during the night. It can be heard during the rainfall, in the sound of the wind.
It can also be heard when a singer is singing. It can be heard anywhere where things are done eagerly and seriously.
Question 2.
Is there any difference in the beauty of an object in different times?
Yes, there can be a difference, e.g. everyone feels happy when it is sunlight during winter but it becomes unpleasant during summers.
Question 3.
What is beauty? Where can, in the poet’s opinion, beauty be seen, heard and experienced?
It is difficult to describe or define beauty. But beauty attracts everybody and is appreciated all over the world. Where does beauty lie in? Well, it is visible in the sunlight, the trees, the birds, the crops and the harvesters who dance merrily. Beauty is heard in the night when the wind blows or rain falls or some singer Sings. But the real beauty lies in noble actions and thoughts at all times whether working or resting.
Beauty Extra Questions Value Based Type
Question 1.
What is beauty according to the poet?
Beauty is a quality which can attract everyone. It is liked by all and can be seen in the sunlight, trees and birds. It can be heard when the wind sighs and during the rainfall. It can also be heard during a calm night. Beauty is present within us when we indulge in good activities. Our thoughts become pure due to good actions. Good deeds and clean thoughts repeat themselves and bring happiness in the long-run. It gets reflected in work and even when we take rest. Good thoughts also come in our dreams.
Beauty Extra Questions Extract Based Type
Extract 1
Directions (Q. Nos. 1-6) Read the extract given below and answer the following questions.
Beauty is seen.In the sunlight The trees, the birds,
Corn growing and people working
Or dancing for their harvest.
Question 1.
Can you see beauty in your surroundings?
Yes, we can see beauty in our surroundings such as in birds, trees and sunlight.
Question 2.
Why did people start dancing in the poem?
People were dancing for their good harvest as they worked very hard on their fields.
Question 3.
What was being grown on the field?
Corn was being grown on the field.
Question 4.
Find synonym for the word ‘harvest’.
(a) Sunlight
(b) Produce
(c) Dark
(d) Dance
(b) Produce
Question 5.
Who are dancing in the above lines?
(a) Birds
(b) Beauty
(c) Growers
(d) Farmers
(d) Farmers
Question 6.
The people referred here belongs to
(a) towns
(b) cities
(c) villages
(d) None of the above
(c) villages
Extract 2
Directions (Q. Nos. 1-6) Read the extract given below and answer the following questions.
Beauty is heard
In the night,
Wind sighing, rain falling,
Or a singer chanting
Anything in earnest.
Question 1.
Can you hear beauty in the atmosphere?
Yes, we can hear beauty in the atmosphere such as during the rainfall and wind sighing.
Question 2.
What do you mean by ‘anything in earnest’?
We can hear beauty in any activity which has been done with eagerness and full dedication.
Question 3.
What were the actions of the wind and rain?
In the above lines, the wind was sighing while the rain was falling.
Question 4.
Give antonym for the word ‘fall’.
(a) Rise
(b) Sing
(c) Dance
(d) Line
(a) Rise
Question 5.
Find synonym for the word ‘earnest’.
(a) Senior
(b) Chant
(c) Earn
(d) Serious
(d) Serious
Question 6.
When is beauty heard?
(a) Morning
(b) Afternoon
(c) Evening
(d) Night
(d) Night
Beauty Summary in English
Beauty gives pleasure to all our senses. It can be noticed in the sunlight, the trees, the birds, the fields and the dancing groups. The people dance joyfully for their harvest. Beauty can also be heard in the night when the wind makes a whistling sound the rain falls or some singer sings merrily. True beauty, however, shows itself in our noble actions and good ideas. That beauty is repeated in one’s dreams and deeds, and even when one rests.
Beauty Summary in Hindi
सुन्दरता हमारी सभी इंद्रियों को आनन्द देती है। इसे सूर्य के प्रकाश में, वृक्षों में, पक्षियों में, खेतों और नृत्य करते लोगों में देखा जा सकता है। लोग अपनी फसल काटने के बाद खुशी से झूमते, नाचते हैं।
सुन्दरता की रात में सुना भी जा सकता है जब पवन साँय-साँय का शोर करता है, वर्षा का शोर होता है अथवा कोई गायक खुशी से गाता है।
पर सच्ची सुन्दरता तो आदमी के कार्यों और नेक विचारों में झलकती है। वही सुन्दरता व्यक्ति के सपनों में, सद्कार्यों में और उसके विश्राम में भी दोहराई जाती है।
Beauty Hindi version of the poem with comprehension
1. Beauty is seen
In the sunlight.
The trees, the birds,
Corn grouping and people working
Or dancing for their harvest.
word-Notes: Corn-food crops अनाज। Harvest-crop फसल।
सुन्दरता को धूप में, वृक्षों में, पक्षियों में, खेत में उगते अनाज में, मेहनत करते लोगों में अथवा फसल पकने में आनन्दविभोर नाच-गाने में देखा जा सकता है।
Read the following questions and choose the most appropriate option from the ones given below:
Question 1.
Where can we see beauty?
(a) Sunlight
(b) Trees
(c) Birds
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.
Question 2.
How do people become beautiful?
(a) By decorating their houses
(b) By wearing beautiful dress
(c) By working in fields
(d) By travelling to beautiful places.
(c) By working in fields.
Question 3.
What makes people dance in the fields?
(a) Good harvest
(b) Beautiful scenes
(c) Beautiful birds
(d) Fresh air.
(a) Good harvest
Question 4.
Who is the poet of this poem?
(a) E-yeh-Shure
(b) Harry Behn
(c) Lorrain M. Halls
(d) None of the above.
(a) E-yeh-Shure
Question 5.
What does the word harvest mean?
(a) Hard work
(b) Crop
(c) Seed
(d) Fertiliser.
(b) Crop
2. Beauty is heard
In the night,
wind sighing, rain falling.
Or a singer chanting
Anything in earnest.
Word-Notes: Heard–listened to सुना जा सकता है। Wind sighing-blowing of wind हवा की साँय – साँय में। Chanting-singing “IIằ gU In earnest-sincerely, honestly पूरी लगन से।
सौन्दर्य को सुना भी जा सकता है रात को पवन की साँय-साँय में, वर्षा के गिरने की आवाज में अथवा किसी भी गायक के गायन में जो पूरी लगन से कुछ भी गा रहा हो।
Read the following questions and choose the most appropriate option from the ones given below:
Question 1.
When is beauty heard?
(a) In morning
(b) In evening
(c) In night
(d) All the time.
(c) In night
Question 2.
How are sounds produced?
(a) By blowing winds and the falling raindrops
(b) By children’s noise
(c) By running vehicles on the road
(d) By musical songs.
(a) By blowing winds and the falling raindrops
Question 3.
What effect do blowing of winds and falling of raindrops create?
(a) Depressing
(b) Musical
(c) Soothing
(d) Monotonous.
(b) Musical
Question 4.
How can a singer create beauty?
(a) With his melodious voice
(b) With his stretch of breath
(c) With his impressive personality
(d) With his body language.
(a) With his melodious voice
Question 5.
What does the phrase in earnest mean here?
(a) Proudly
(b) Happily
(c) Sincerely
(d) Affectionately.
(c) Sincerely
3. Beauty is in yourself.
Good deeds, happy thoughts
That repeat themselves
In your dreams,
In your work,
And even in your rest.
Word-Notes: In yourself-inside one’s ownself अपने अन्दर। Good deeds-noble actions अच्छे काम। Happy thoughts-अच्छे विचार। Repeat themselves-are reflected or shown दिखाई देते हैं। Dreams-ambitionsउच्चाकांक्षायें।
सौन्दर्य का वास तो व्यक्ति के अन्दर ही होता है, उसके नेक कार्यों और सुखद विचारों में जो परिलक्षित हो जाते हैं आपके स्वप्नों में, कार्यों में तथा आपके विश्राम के क्षणों में भी।
Read the following questions and choose the most appropriate option from the ones given below:
Question 1.
Where does real beauty lie?
(a) In our beautiful personality
(b) In our noble actions and happy thoughts
(c) In our singing
(d) In our status in society.
(b) In our noble actions and happy thoughts
Question 2.
What does the poet want to say through the poem?
(a) Beauty can be seen, heard and practised
(b) Beauty is something that can not be acquired
(c) Beauty is something that makes our life soothing
(d) One should not believe in beauty.
(a) Beauty can be seen, heard and practised
Question 3.
Which one of the following is not associated with the real beauty?
(a) Good deeds
(b) Sweet ideas
(c) Quarrelsome nature
(d) Helping nature.
(c) Quarrelsome nature
Question 4.
What does the phrase “repeat themselves’ mean here?
(a) come again and again
(b) Reflected or shown
(c) Departed temporarily
(d) None of the above.
(b) Reflected or shown
Question 5.
Inner beauty of a person is shown in ……….
(a) his/her actions and ideas
(b) his/her dreams
(c) his/her work
(d) all of the above.
(d) all of the above.